Dr. Robert Fischer

Head of Consulting Insurance & Banking
DSc Physics

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Robert is responsible for the Consulting Insurance & Banking division at Comma Soft. He and his team support our corporate clients from the insurance and banking sectors in their digital transformation and the implementation of a sustainable data strategy. In the area of organizational development, Robert also assists our clients as a leader of strategic projects that are focused on, among other things, the establishment and optimization of data science, analytics, and innovation units. He also monitors the implementation of data science & AI projects.


  • In-depth insurance & banking industry knowledge
  • Digital transformation & data strategy
  • Artificial intelligence, analytics & data science
  • Data management & data architecture
  • Optimizing variation with Lean Six Sigma
  • Agile project management

The approach to data is as individual as each company. Together with our clients, we find the right way.

Dr. Robert Fischer