Spotlight: Challenging and encouraging talent at Comma Soft

In our Spotlight series, our Executive Managers Dr. Markus Knappitsch, Dr. Hartmut Henk, Dr. Andrej Fischer and Dr. Jan Ciupka explain what fascinates them about their work as consultants at Comma Soft. In Part 4, they explain how employees at Comma Soft continue to develop both professionally and personally.

As managers, you are also responsible for the development of the people in your teams. What opportunities are open to them and what do you focus on?

Markus: It is particularly important to me to contribute my energy in such a way that I give energy to situations and people – in projects and when interacting with both our customers and our employees. I see enthusiasm as the central driver of our success at Comma Soft and try to convey this spirit to my team as well. In my role as a manager, I see myself as a servant leader, in other words as an internal service provider who is there for the employees and supports them. I always try to act in such a way that the impact on the entire organization is as great as possible. The way I see it, our task as managers is to shape and develop a culture of excellence, of healthy and sustainable performance orientation, and of enthusiasm and fairness. This applies to our employees as well as to personnel recruitment and development, which are key factors in the ongoing development of Comma Soft.

Jan: I also see myself as a servant leader and am someone who wants to help employees to achieve their full potential. The right tools and means can vary widely: they can be used to motivate, inspire, and awaken intrinsic motivation, but they can also set an example of performance orientation and provide structure, orientation, and certainty. That, to me, is the “people” aspect of “knowledge people.” “Knowledge” refers to the wide range of disciplines that our experts at Comma Soft cover and in which we help our customers to advance their digital transformation. I understand my role as someone who specifically thinks ahead and has an eye on the issues of tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. At the same time, I want to build the bridge from today to the issues of tomorrow. For me, it’s not just about reacting to the market, but about challenging, introducing and shaping new topics. Our employees grow from this and so does Comma Soft in its role as a leader in its field.

Hartmut: I think it is crucial to strike a healthy balance between the development of our customers on the one hand and that of our employees on the other. This allows these two aspects to have a positive influence on each other. “The customer comes first” may be an oft-quoted slogan, but it’s dangerous to put customers’ desires ahead of employees’ needs too often. I believe only when employees are able to contribute their interests, preferences and talents can they truly identify with and be motivated about a project.

Andrej: My motto as a manager is, “my success is your success!” I see myself as a coach, mentor, honest sparring partner and role model for my colleagues. I have high standards of professionalism and self-reliance, which I expect and also encourage. I consider myself incredibly lucky that my team members think and act as individuals instead of just working to specifications. This is how innovative ideas can emerge. We in senior management have a significant impact on the culture at Comma Soft through our actions and should therefore always function as role models. That’s why it’s especially important to me to spend a lot of time with my colleagues on joint projects and to work on becoming a better consultant every day.