Impressions of the Comma Talk 2024
We look back on our Comma Talk at the end of April 2024 - with impressions and voices of the participants. Many thanks to everyone who attended, helped shape the day and took the time to be there!
“Seizing opportunities – managing risks. How companies can successfully navigate the tension between GenAI and cyber security” was the title of this year’s Comma Talk. In their presentations, our customers Siemens, BITMARCK, SDK, Weidmüller and GOLDBECK reported on how they are using generative AI in their companies while at the same time taking new security requirements into account.
The question of which language model provider companies work with and who they can trust also hovers over all of this. Dr. Andrej Fischer and Dr. Lars Flöer will present Alan, the Comma LLM, a solution that Comma Soft has developed specifically for the safe use of GenAI in European and German companies.
Watch the video (available in German) to find out what the participants found particularly interesting about this exciting mix of topics:

From A for Artificial Intelligence to Z for Zero Trust
In addition to the best practices of our customers and insights into Comma Sfot’s GenAI roadmap, there were other interesting insights: Prof. Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker, Professor of IT Security Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen, discussed the topic of cyber security from a scientific perspective. Dr. Hans-Joachim Popp from VOICE e.V. provided further impetus on the confident use of AI, which was explored in greater depth in a panel discussion.
Parallel to the day’s program, the content of the presentations and discussions was recorded using graphic recording. We would like to share the results and other impressions with you here:
If you were unable to attend the Comma Talk and are interested in the topics, please feel free to contact us directly.
Make a note of the next Comma Talk in 2025: We look forward to seeing you at this event!