Comma Soft AG is facing a generational change: Benjamin Schulte, former COO, took over the role of CEO on January 1, 2025. Company founder Stephan Huthmacher is moving to the Supervisory Board as spokesman for the entrepreneurial family.
Read the announcement here.

35 years is a long time.
Especially when you’re ahead of it.
The digital transformation is changing everything. In its power and totality, it is like a force of nature. We want to understand it, master it and harness it – today as we did 35 years ago. For Comma Soft, digitalization was always first and foremost a curiosity, never just a business model. This explains why almost exclusively scientists work at Comma Soft. Every day, they try to transform the future into a functioning piece of now. This requires an open mind, the desire to play around and, above all, knowledge of the forces of business. Only there do ideas come to life, innovations become reality and progress becomes everyday life.
Experience Comma Soft and arrange a meeting. The best time to take the next step is always now.
Following an audit by TÜV Rheinland, it was confirmed that Comma Soft fulfills the requirements of the quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001. Comma Soft was certified accordingly.
Comma Soft is once again a certified Great Place to Work. In the analysis of the workplace culture and the employee survey, the result was even better than in 2022: 97% of respondents believe that Comma Soft is a very good place to work.
Comma Soft has been recognized as a top innovator for the third time. This makes Comma Soft one of the 100 most innovative companies in Germany.
Comma Soft launches the Comma LLM: A secure GenAI service, tailor-made for companies – in compliance with European and German security and data protection standards.
The 15th Petersberger Gespräche take once again place at the Villa Hammerschmidt in Bonn. Under the motto “Cornucopia of opportunities – or a field of unsolved problems”, the talks and discussions on this day will focus on the opportunities and risks of GenAI and quantum computing.
The first issue of the new customer magazine – Travel Report #01 – is published.
“Digital Operational Excellence – How digital solutions have a lasting impact.” Under this heading, Comma Soft AG is once again organizing the Comma Talk for customers and partners. Keynotes, keynote speeches and space for exchange are on the agenda here.
The Petersberg Talks are taking place for the 14th time. Under the motto “Rethink. Decide. Do things differently. Why a change of perspective is vital for our survival.” representatives from business, science and technology will exchange ideas.
In conjunction with Great Place to Work®, Comma Soft analyzed the current workplace culture and asked all its employees how satisfied they were with it. The result was extremely positive. Comma Soft is certified as a Great Place to Work.
“Navigating stormy times” is the motto of Comma Talk 2022, which offers our customers and partners exciting keynotes and keynote speeches. In addition, the focus will be on networking and discussing current challenges and the growing potential of digitalization.
Comma Soft is starting the year 2021 with a new website and a fresh corporate design!
On 4th December 2020. the Minister for Economy, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia visited Comma Soft AG. The purpose of the minister’s visit was to familiarize himself with Comma Soft’s commitment in the field of artificial intelligence and digitalization and to open the new “Co-Creation Campus” building together with our board of directors.
The Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn, Ashok Shridaran visits Comma Soft as part of a discussion on Smart City.
2019 Comma Soft AG celebrates its 30th anniversary
COMMA SOFT HOSTS THE PETERSBERGER GESPRÄCHE 2018 ON THE TOPIC “MAN AND MACHINE, THE SMART LEAP FORWARD”. While the morning was devoted to artificial intelligence as a driver of technology and knowledge, the afternoon block focused on China and its strategies and technological leaps in relation to AI and future technologies.
Through its Life Sciences business unit, Comma Soft initiates an interdisciplinary cooperation with the Uniklinik Bonn, the Limes Institute of the University of Bonn and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma with a focus on COPD, an irreversible pulmonary disease.
Petersberger Gespräche 2017 – How to make decisions in the VUCA world? Artificial Inteligence between feasibility and superintelligence, predictability and future. from october to december, an extremely creative and intensive exchange took place with the participants of the Petersberger Gespräche, which was summarized in the petersberger position paper on artificial intelligence on 23 pages.
Comma Soft puts Audi on the fast track with its VERA variant management solution and helps the automotive group achieve large savings from the very first weeks of implementation.
Expansion of top management: Benjamin Schulte is appointed to the Management Board by the Supervisory Board of Comma Soft. He will act as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and second member of the Management Board alongside company founder and CEO Stephan Huthmacher.
Start of the BMWI-funded project FASTGenomics, an AI analysis platform for single cell sequencing, where researchers in the pharma industry and academia are provided with AI-driven interactive web-based analytics tools, collaboration platforms and a fully optimized cloud workflow. Learn more
Petersberger Gespräche 2015 – To bei digital – or not to be? Digital transformation between promise, reality and blueprint for the future. Including Timotheus Höttges, chairman of the board of management of Deutsche Telekom AG. The “Petersberger Declaration” drafted by all participants of the 10th Petersberger Gespräche was presented to the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Hermann Oettinger, during the Hamburg IT Strategy Conference.
Comma Soft celebrates its 25th anniversary.
For a quarter of a century, Comma Soft has been delivering innovative solutions and helping its customers grow their business.
For the 10th time, it’s “Welcome to the Petersberger Gespräche!”
Between continuity and disruption: The digital transformation in the field of tension between customer benefit and privacy, convenience and security.
With top science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar as a key note speaker.
Petersberger Gespräche 2013 – Human Factor: Economics and Innovation in the Age of Big Data.
Comma Soft expands its portfolio with Data Science.
Comma Soft is already investing heavily in expanding its Data Business & Artificial Intelligence division at an early stage.
The Petersberger Gespräche 2012 – The wisdom of the gut – or: Who actually decides here? Liquid Democracy – or the Renaissance of Classic Management?
Petersberger Gespräche 2011 – A Data State of Mind. As early as in 2011, important representatives from business and science discuss the key importance of data and its benefits for the future of business and society.
Comma Soft wins in the nationwide TOP 100 competition with more than 3000 participants in the category “Top Management Promoting Innovation”.
Infonea think-tank research project “Does Infonea change a company?” is implemented in cooperation with the University of Witten/Herdecke and members of Ergo, Postbank, Phoenics Contact, Deutsche Post and Continental
“Welcome to the Petersberger Gespräche”.
For the first time, Comma Soft invites executives from business, technology and science to an interdisciplinary dialog at the Steigenberger Grandhotel on the Petersberg.
Comma Soft designs the worldwide Active Directory for DaimlerChrysler AG.
DaimlerChrysler AG is one of the first DAX companies to decide to introduce the directory service launched by Microsoft in the previous year throughout the company. A large number of globally distributed company-owned Windows NT domains are to be transferred to a single global Active Directory. At the same time, standards for the lifecycle management of all Active Directory objects are to be established. Comma Soft AG pioneers the development of the necessary technical concepts. The development of customized solutions, including the associated processes for the complex corporate environment, enables the successful migration of approximately 300,000 users to the new Active Directory environment.
Move to the newly designed neighboring building with significantly more office space and a large conference and event floor.
COMMA SOFT starts supporting the Beethovenfest, which was revived in this year, and to this day is an annual sponsor of a Beethovenfest Bonn concert.
The company celebrates its first big anniversary! In the fall, Comma Soft will already be 10 years old.
The cooperation between SAP and Microsoft resulted in the requirement to develop a communication interface between both worlds: based on the know-how from the development phase of the Microsoft exchange server, comma soft was commissioned by both companies to create a feasibility study and a design draft. Less than 4 months later, Comma Soft had developed the Sap Exchange Connector, which is the interface between SAP r/3 and the Microsoft Exchange server.
Comma Soft develops an in-memory technology through an internal research project that will later be released under the name Infonea. It is a knowledge management and business intelligence solution, with incredible speed for the time, thanks to a new technological core developed by Comma Soft, with Direct access to data from RAM and a proprietary mathematical model for interconnecting information and knowledge.
At the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), the migration of the entire unix-based office communications environment to a holistic solution on the Windows NT platform was planned and implemented. In doing so, the BMF took on a pioneering role. This installation developed into a reference project for a large number of ministries and commercial enterprises, including those from abroad. Comma Soft was able to reduce demonstrably the total cost of ownership (TCO) In the field of network administration and support costs by a factor of 10.
Comma Soft develops an early graphical user interface for the Microsoft Disk Operating System and starts professional software development. The first in-house product “helpLine” is realized, a program that documents support requests in call centers.
Comma Soft implements the first nationwide office communications network with 1,800 end-user workstations on a Microsoft basis at the German Federation of Trade Unions, prevailing against prestigious competitors.
Comma Soft is the first company to set up the Microsoft backend product range at the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI).
Comma Soft becomes the first company in Germany to present Microsoft Backend technology at the Venusberg in Bonn in front of 120 professional users from large companies. Comma Soft proved that this software allowed for efficient decentralized applications, even with a connection to the mainframe, which represented a quantum leap in the field of IT.
Today’s Comma Soft AG is founded as COMMA, Communikation, Marketing und Medien GmbH, in Bonn by Stephan Huthmacher!